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In Tight

808846, originally uploaded by Roadduck99.

On Saturday, I joined other members of the First Light Camera Club on a photo field trip to Fort Andross, home of Cabot Mill Antiques and the Brunswick winter farmer’s market.

Most of my photos from the event are super isolated macros. I think the nature of these venues necessitated this approach. The antique mall is so filled with stuff, and the farmer’s market so filled with people, that wider views are too cluttered. So they are all up close – a mannequins hand, a bit of a trumpet, a close up of some beans.

This approach dovetails with my current approach to writing – my long-term approach as well. In my class, we talked about letting the work stand on its own rather than think about outside forces, i.e. the audience. In a different vein, Anne Lamott in her book “Bird by Bird” talks about looking through a one-inch window and describing what you see.

This isn’t meant to be “Joe’s Writing Blog,” though writing is a part of my original vision for this space. I’ll be moving back to more photo-centric posts in the near future. At the moment I am happy with my ability to focus closely on the tasks at hand.

2 responses

  1. I’m impressed with how the lighting turned out. In crowded environments, lighting can be insufficient, especially for macro work like this. That may be the difference between old school film and digital.

    As for all that text showing up now on your blog ;), there’s often a story behind a photo, information beyond f-stop, shutter speed, camera make, etc. Maybe your other readers like reading that, too?

    January 17, 2012 at 12:45 pm

  2. Joe

    Thanks, Rhonda. Digital cameras can do amazing things with low light these days. Mine is just an entry-level DSLR. Professional and even Prosumer models can take great photos by match light. The building itself has some terrific huge windows that let in a lot of great light, from which all of these photos benefitted. Follow this link to get a better view of what the building offers:

    Fort Andross

    And yes, the concept behind this blog was that there would be some sort of story to go along with (most of) the photos. I’ve got a couple of essays downstream, and the rest usually have some mention of where I was or why I took this particular photo. There’s not a lot of discussion of the technical side of things. That stuff is available on the exif info attached to the photos that are on my flickr stream (which is most of them).

    January 17, 2012 at 2:49 pm

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